Wall Mounting Instructions

If you’ve chosen a house with a mounting hole on the back, you have the option to wall-mount. It might save you time to hear how I accomplished my wall mounting, so here it is, step by step.

1. Find the spot you want.

2. Figure out the nail hole placement by measuring from one of the edges, or just eyeball it.

3. Take your chosen nail and wrap some tape around it so that its snugly in the hole. Not too easy to slide in and out. Leave enough toward the pointy end of the pail to go well into the wall. I only tape 1” to 1.5”.

4. Hammer the nail in. It might help if you give it a slight upward angle. Definitely not any downward angle.

5. Place the house on the nail, and fine tune the nail depth.

6. Wrap an additional bit of tape around the nail, so that the house has zero chance of sliding or wiggling off. Adding the tape to the house mounted is trickier, but can be accomplished.

7. Is the house sitting level? If it is leaning downward, I’ve propped the bottom with a bit of rolled tape, sticky side outward. It’s not the most elegant, but The tape is out of sight and serves the purpose. I’ve spent a bit of time adjustig the house by rotating it a bit to the right or left.

~If you come up with any better mounting tips, pass them along. I’m certainly no expert at mounting sculptures.

~thanks much~


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