My work with ceramics began as a daily mental health practice.

Only recently have I allowed myself the time and grace to see a body of work through. To stay on one trail. With Little Spirit Houses, I’m allowing the process to unfold, which is exciting and scary.

The houses started in September of ‘24, after making quite a few ‘pinchpot’ bowls and cups and planters. I was taking a hand-building class and I remember the first houses getting warm feedback. I thought, this is a way to explore texture and glazes and all the stuff, but with objects that feel different, and special- resonant to me.

In September i made six little houses, and in October I made five more. In November I created around thirty seven. I was having fun and I opened my Etsy shop.

In December I made around forty seven houses and late entried into a couple of holiday craft events.

The response was encouraging, so I thought- Let me see what happens if I just dive in and make as many as I can for the Spring and Summer shows. So here we are.

I am very grateful for my partner and the kids for bearing with the process, and grateful for everyone who is touched by my Little Spirit Houses.

Thank you for beig here, Thank you for the support.

I’ve lived mostly in my head. Often that gives me the feeling of barely hanging on. Only surviving. Work with my hands has always helped, and clay is something I can do as a solitary pursuit.